Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fun In The Water

Due to The Kid's hectic social schedule, he's attended several pool parties. He was a little unsure exactly how to handle these water based social events, so he checked with Monkey and T-Bear to see what swimming was like. While normally going to a bear and monkey for advice on pretty much any subject is a brilliant idea, asking them about swimming in a pool may be one of the few instances where they don't offer brilliant advice. Monkey tried to convince the kid to avoid all swimming, as swimming invariably led to encounters with crocodiles, and in Monkey's experience crocodiles where not the best swim buddies in the world. T-Bear on the other hand assured him swimming was great, although he had to make sure he scooped out all the salmon he could find. The Kid was not so excited about swimming with either salmon or crocodiles, so he was a little worried when he went to Z's birthday pool party.

The Kid anxiously looking for crocodiles to avoid or salmon to scoop.
After a few tentative trips into the pool that involved no crocodiles or salmon, The Kid decided maybe pools weren't the scary experience he had been led to expect. Z also assured him, in her vast pool experience, salmon and crocodiles were very rare.

With this encouragement The Kid was much more excited about the pool at baby D's little get together. Not only did the kid dip his feet in the water, he got his face wet and did some fast fast motorboating and a little practice waterskiing.

The Kid showing his skills as a fast fast motorboat.

Unfortunately there was no photographic evidence of The Kid's water skiing skills. However, The Kid is pretty sure it looked a lot like this:
The Kid is all about the intensity just like the Zooker.

Whether or not The Kid's skiing is that intense, he is now a much bigger fan of pools, and a little more unsure whether T-Bear and Monkey are as knowledgeable as they claim.

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