Monday, February 4, 2008

The Kid is Endorsed

After an extensive lobbying effort by T-Bear, The Kid has been endorsed by the State of Texas. The Kid is obviously very proud of this endorsement, and would like to say how much he loves the state of Texas. There are still a number of questions about what exactly this endorsement means. There have been a few tangible benefits, both sets of grandparents have received official certificates of congratulation. The Kid has received an official certificate as well, most exciting he has received the flag of Texas that flew over the capitol, the day he was born.

The Kid relaxing with his endorsement flag, and official Texas dirt.

Some other benefit that are rumored to be part of the endorsement are the state of Texas officially acknowledges the kid is soothed by the Texas Two Step; the kid officially does not look like an idiot when wearing a cowboy boot; jeans and cowboy boots are now always appropriate; the Kid can now consider Lyle Lovett, David Allen Coe and Hank Williams cool, and not in an ironic way. It's not all great being endorsed by Texas, The Kid will be expected to render some sort of opinion on the Romo - Jessica Simpson fiasco. He is not looking forward to reviewing the large stack of US magazine he will need to review.
The Kid contemplates adding a cowboy hat to go with his overalls.

The key figure in getting this highly prized endorsement was T-Bear. T-Bear said the key to the endorsements was a number of frank and productive conversations, and a large number of Shiner Bocks. Also, helping was a clever ploy involving dirt filled booties. By placing a pair of booties filled with Texas Soil under the Kid's bed, T-Bear was able to claim the Kid was born on Texas soil. This was a big point to the Texas negotiating committee. Texans are very big fans of all things Texas related.

T-Bear said he knew nothing about several large shipments of honey that were believed to be headed to Dallas. T-Bear was also unsure how this would effect the upcoming Texas primary as the Kid is unable to run for President due to age restrictions. He did assume the 2044 Primary would be unnecessary as the Kid would then be of age to accept the Presidential nomination. The Kid's political affiliations are also unknown, and can not even be inferred from his stated positions. His only position statement has been that he is pro-boob.